We believe that the key to successful training is that it is extensive, realistic, and repeats to deliver a constant quality improvement cycle, supervised and delivered by some of the world’s best instructors in their fields.
Security provides Companies with the freedom to operate in a safe environment. It allows for more freedom of movement and productivity of its infrastructure and platforms, along with its exploration operations.
Due to the ever-changing climate, world views, and politics, the security of operations within the oil and gas industry has become even more important and vast in its bid to keep up with the demands of the modern market
Will present this program best practices and modern security measures likely to counter-terrorism facilities, security and management of the threat of assets or risks and large sources of threats in buildings and complexes, application and use of the latest security technologies to protect buildings, and factors of threats against strategic buildings and natural threats, species, goals and target points and extrapolation of the expected and better damage Information To identify and identify risks and threats, assess their effectiveness, manage threats and others, learn about the most recent security issues related to risk and threats, identify strategic threats and threats, identify strategic threats, discuss threats, identify best practices and identify threats, identify strategic threats, identify threats, and discuss strategic threats and threats. The latest security methods and methods to protect facilities in addition to the development of skills and security sense of your employees.