"Bidding and Tendering Workshop"

Bidding and Tendering Workshop

There is no doubt that the procurement methods and procedures that it undergoes, starting from the stage of submitting a bid in the public tender and other methods of contracting to purchase movables or business contracting, as well as transport contracting, receiving services, technical works, and consulting studies, and managing purchases from abroad.

In addition to the operations carried out by the company to prepare bids for the disposal of some stagnant goods or the accumulated stock, its legal, administrative and organizational procedures.

All of this and that includes legal aspects whose value appears clearly when any disputes or contradictions occur in the
Stages of the process, the subject of contracting, starting from the stage of preparing the brochure of terms and specifications and putting the process in Public or limited tender or practice of both general and limited types and other methods of contracting and then thereafter Legal substantive points related to practical procedures and problems that occur at the bidding stage.

Then the envelopes are opened and award procedures are completed, at the end of the contract completion stage.
For this reason, all those who work in the field of procurement, whether internal or external, and tenders and auctions committees, those who conclude contracting processes at all stages, legal and financial specialists in matters of bids, tenders and contracting, must be fully aware of the legal aspects that they encounter while performing their work and know the legal solutions to these aspects and problems to ward off those the responsibility.